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Free Tarot Talk March 4th at BPL

By February 18, 20105 Comments

My first public talk ever will be at the Boulder Public Library on Thursday, March 4th. I’m very proud and hope it will be enjoyable to everyone, from experienced ‘taroists’ to those just passing through!

The talk will start with a brief introduction of how I approach learning and teaching tarot, how I believe it supports confidence and awareness. Then I’ll move onto some quick example readings, for members of the audience if anybody is interested. After that I will look at a few questions with specific tarot cards I think may be especially helpful to a younger audience. A couple questions I hope to examine are:

  • Three of Swords: How can a person better manage heartbreak?
  • Seven of Swords: Why do people gossip, and how can one deal with it?

Finally I will end with some questions and (maybe) answers. Dialog is welcome and encouraged throughout, and I look forward to maybe seeing you there!

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • I wish I could attend! I hope you will write a follow up on this.
    As the Three of Swords is one of the cards you are going to address,I have a question for you.
    Recently in a reading about love, aimed at helping the client understand better how she handles relationships, the 3 of swords came up in an unusual spot. How would you interpret such a card in what the client needs from relationships? I pulled two more cards to help me figure that out.
    3 of wands and ace of swords.
    The number 3 coming up twice suggested to me that the client finds important that her love relations are well accepted by her friends and group. The ace suggested that honesty and direct, clear communication is extremely important. The 3 of swords? I was not quite sure. A need for drama perhaps? As I have had time to think about it I believe the message of the card is another. It is important for her to find a mate who understands the pain she has been through. Someone perhaps who has had her same experience and with whom she could build something totally different. Does it make any sense to you?
    How would you read it?

    • digiacom says:

      Always so good to have your comments Anna, thank you! Apologies for the delayed response.

      The Three of Swords is an interesting card to understand ‘how she handles relationships’ – A need for drama may be a part of that, but I feel she seeks out people who think very differently than herself. Ideological differences can be exciting, interesting, and educational, but don’t lend themselves to long-lasting romance.

      I interpret the three of swords as: The swords are perceptions, beliefs, and understanding. Threes are generative; like the empress. The generation of new understanding often refines our model of the world. Our emotional bodies, the Heart, are often forced to change in order to accomodate our new understanding; “This person is bad for me”, “This person never wants kids and I do”, etc. She may be attracted to people who are good emotional matches but bad intellectual ones. So, she may be searching for deep understanding within her romances, rather than simply searching inside herself.

      I know this is an old question, but I hope its interesting, accuracy and relevance notwithstanding 🙂 Thank you Anna!

  • I’m also pretty interested to hear what you have to say about these two cards. The suit of swords is too easy to interpret in the negative and it’s always helpful to hear new ideas to help encourage re-envisioning of the cards that become struggles. Look forward to your wisdom!


    • digiacom says:

      The swords are difficult to reconcile; The positive potential of the suit is at a strong counterpoint to the negative depictions. During the talk, we talked about that some. I hope you get to come to a talk this summer.

      Always good to hear from you!